4 Plants For Hard Water
by Gerry SitjarFor aquariums with hard water, not all plants will thrive, but there are resilient species that can flourish in these conditions.
African Water Fern, Dwarf Hygrophila, Dwarf Sagittaria, Ludwigia Repens, and Cabomba are excellent choices.
These plants not only tolerate hard water but also bring vibrant colors and textures to your tank, creating a healthy, beautiful environment for your fish.
How to Plant Bulbs in a Freshwater Aquarium
by Gerry SitjarPlanting bulbs in your freshwater aquarium can turn it into a stunning, blooming underwater garden. With the right selection, preparation, and care, bulbs like Red Tiger Lotus or Madagascar Lace can thrive, adding vibrant colors and unique textures to your tank.
Follow these simple steps to ensure your bulbs grow healthy and strong, transforming your aquarium into a stunning underwater ecosystem.
Walstad Tank Setup Guide for Beginners
by Gerry SitjarA Walstad tank is a great choice for beginners, offering a self-sufficient setup with minimal maintenance. By layering nutrient-rich soil with gravel, planting heavily with easy, low-light plants, and carefully cycling the tank, you can create a thriving ecosystem without the need for fertilizers or CO2 injections.
This guide will walk you through every step to ensure your tank reaches its full potential.
- anubias
- Aquarium Guide
- Aquarium Plants
- Aquarium setup
- aquarium tips
- Aquatic Ecosystem
- aquatic plants
- beginner plants
- Beginners Guide
- Cryptocoryne Plants
- ecosystem
- ember tetra
- Endler
- FAQs
- filter plants
- hairgrass
- java fern
- low light plants
- nitrogen cycle
- Planted Tank
- Planting Substrates
- Planting Tips
- walstad
Choosing the Right Stem Plants for Your Nano Aquarium Fish
by Gerry SitjarStem plants add height, texture, and movement to nano aquariums while providing hiding spots and enrichment for fish. When choosing stem plants, consider factors like tank size, water parameters, and lighting.
For example, plants like Ludwigia repens 'Rubin' suit small tanks, while species like Rotala are ideal for active fish like Chili Rasboras.
High Light Aquarium Plants: Care and Maintenance Tips
by Gerry SitjarHigh-light aquarium plants offer stunning visual appeal, but caring for them demands careful attention.
These plants require intense lighting—50-100 PAR at substrate level—and thrive under full-spectrum lights with a 6,500K-10,000K color temperature.
Regular trimming, nutrient management, and algae control are essential to maintaining a healthy, vibrant aquascape.
How to Acclimate Aquarium Plants
by Maricel RiveraReady to plant? You've brought the package in, and you're eagerly unboxing your new green goodness. A new scape is just around the silicone-and-gl... -
Snazzy Floating Plants for Your Nano Aquarium
by Maricel RiveraReady to kick your Nano aquarium up a notch?
Say hello to this selection of freshwater floating plants-- picked just for Nano tanks.
The Amazon Sword Plant: A Larger Aquarium’s Best Friend
by Vincent Paul BatosalemThe Amazon Sword Plant, an Echinodorus genus favorite among aquarists, brings lush, bushy foliage and vibrant green hues to aquariums.
Its hardiness and ease of growing makes it a top choice. From its rosette-style growth to aiding in water quality, this plant elevates underwater landscapes!
Green Up Your Tank: Quick Guide to Live Planting
by Vincent Paul BatosalemNeed some quick tips on how to plant carpeting plants such as Monte Carlo or Dwarf Baby Tears? How deep should you plant a Tiger Lotus bulb? What about taking care of floating plants?
Our guide walks you through selecting the perfect plants, preparing substrates, and planting techniques. Discover how live plants improve water quality, provide a natural habitat, and reduce algae growth. Follow expert tips to create a lush underwater landscape for thriving aquatic life.