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Are you seeking a visually appealing fish other than a betta fish?
This highly sought-after Dwarf Gourami (Colisa Lalia) is a favored option due to its striking hues, distinctive demeanor, and resilience.
Male dwarf gouramis in the wild have blue and red diagonal stripes while females are silver. The sex can be determined by the shape of the dorsal fin - pointed for males and rounded/curved for females.
The Dwarf Gourami is a smaller gourami, growing up to 3.5 inches (8 cm) long, and is a labyrinth fish, like the betta fish. It has a lung-like organ for taking in oxygen from the air.
Dwarf Gouramis thrive in various water conditions when well-cared for, typically living 2-4 years. They prefer slow-moving, vegetated water and a 10-gallon or larger tank with live plants.
Dwarf gourami's personalities vary - some are peaceful and can live in a community tank, while others can be territorial and aggressive towards other creatures. If your dwarf gourami happens to have a calmer temperament, try keeping them with peaceful, similar-sized fish like corydoras catfish, tetras, rasboras, loaches, and platies. They tend to not get along with other labyrinth fish (like bettas), but again, it all depends on the individual’s disposition.
Care Parameters:
- Ideal Temps: 72-82°f
- PH: 6-8
- Temperament: Peaceful and timid. Can be kept in groups, but males can be territorial with one another.