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New to Planted Tanks? Start here!

A Beginner's Journey into Aquarium Keeping

Embarking on the journey of aquarium keeping as a beginner is an exciting adventure filled with curiosity and wonder.

If you're new to the aquarium hobby and looking to start your own aquatic paradise, this guide is for you.

Join me as I share valuable lessons, tips, and insights I've gathered on my own journey.

Let's dive into the basics of aquarium setup and explore the captivating realm of aquatic life.

Choosing the Right Aquarium:


Selecting the perfect aquarium size is an important first step.

  • As a beginner, it's best to start with a tank that's easier to manage. Oddly enough, the larger, the better for this. A 10-gallon tank is a great provides a stable environment and allows for more forgiving water conditions.
  • Think about the room you have. How does your aquarium fit into the space? Is it in a high- traffic area where it could get bumps and accidental knocks? Near a window where it could get extra unwanted light?
  • Think about water changes. How difficult is it to get new water in? Is there a place to connect a hose or something like a Python?

Understanding the Nitrogen Cycle:

The nitrogen cycle is a crucial process in maintaining a healthy aquarium.

It involves beneficial bacteria converting harmful ammonia into nitrite and then into nitrate. Learning about this cycle and its significance will help you establish a balanced ecosystem for your aquatic friends.

  • Some Nitrite = Good for your aquarium plants to munch on. 
  • Nitrate = Dead fish. Do a good water change and use a good Nitrate mitigating product like Seachem Prime

Equipping for Success:


Equipping your aquarium with quality gear is essential.

Invest in reliable equipment such as a filter, heater (if needed), thermometer, lighting, and a water test kit. These tools will ensure optimal conditions for your aquatic inhabitants.

How do you know what lights you'll need?

Think about the kind of plants you'd like to keep. 

Most super bright reds, yellows, and pink plants will need a higher light output than usual. Same goes for lush, thick carpeting plants.

Would rather not invest in that kind of equipment in the beginning? There are a TON of low light plant options. Check out our selection HERE.

Selecting Hardy and Beginner-Friendly Fish:


Choosing the right fish for your aquarium is key to a successful start.

Opt for hardy species that can tolerate a range of water conditions. Great options for beginners include neon tetras, guppies, platies, danios, and barbs.

These fish are resilient and adaptable, making them perfect for beginners... plus, they play well together in a community tank.

Think about adding Fish with Jobs to your mini ecosystem. 

These are fish like Plecos, Corydoras, Otocinclus, and even inverts like Nerites, Shrimp, and other snails.

These creatures live great with others and have specific roles in the aquarium such as waste recycling, algae control, and substrate churning.

Adding Beginner-Friendly Plants:



Live plants not only beautify your aquarium but also contribute to a healthier environment.

They suck up extra nutrients that lead to ammonia spikes, algae outbreaks, and even fish disease. Can't have too many plants!

As mentioned above, the kind of equipment you bought in the beginning will dictate your ability to have success with certain types of plants.

As a beginner, opt for low-maintenance plants like Java Fern, Anubias, Java Moss, and Vallisneria. These particular plants are easy to care for and help maintain water quality.

Plus, they're among the tougher plants I'd even keep with fish or turtles that like to munch, dig, or otherwise manhandle live plants in their environment.

Mastering the Art of Feeding:


Avoid the common mistake of overfeeding your fish. 

It's super easy to do.

Overfeeding leads to poor water quality and health issues. Generally, community tanks should be fed once a day, enough that the food never hits the ground.

The exception to this is if you have bottom feeders and use sinking pleco wafers or something similar.

Ensure your fish consume all the food within a few minutes. This helps maintain a balanced ecosystem.

Looking to spice up the variety of foods you can feed?

Related Blog: Feeding Fins: Exploring Human Food That Aquarium Fish can Enjoy!

The Importance of Regular Water Changes:


Regular water changes are vital for a thriving aquarium.

By performing partial water changes of about 20% to 25% of the tank volume on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, you remove waste and replenish essential minerals. This promotes a healthy environment for your aquatic inhabitants.

Its so easy to skip water changes.

Really though, you're just increasing the probability of issues down the road. Choose better for your fishy friends!

Monitoring Water Parameters:


Keep a close eye on water parameters to ensure the well-being of your fish and plants.

Regularly test temperature, pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels. I'd recommend once a week.

Adjust any imbalances accordingly. Most things can be solved by a simple water change.

Joining the Aquarium Community:


Connect with fellow aquarium enthusiasts through online forums and local clubs!

Engaging with like-minded hobbyists provides a wealth of knowledge, advice, and support. The aquarium community is filled with passionate individuals who are eager to help you on your journey.

Embarking on the aquarium hobby as a beginner is an exciting and fulfilling experience.

From selecting the right aquarium and understanding the nitrogen cycle to choosing suitable fish and plants, each step brings new discoveries.

Remember to be patient, consistent, and curious. Every tank is a new experiment!

Create your own underwater paradise and enjoy the wonder of aquatic life.

Happy fishkeeping!

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