It's that time of year again, folks! Add one Heat Pack per order to ensure your new friend's comfort during shipping. Heat packs aren't required but are highly recommended. Orders without them won't be covered by our Live Arrival Guarantee if your local weather is below 40°F. |
Blue Jellies always knock my socks off.
I love that pale blue with the occasional red or tiger stripe splash. Just a lot of enjoyment in a little package.
These little guys are wonderful in the planted aquarium and will readily breed when ample food and shelter are available. They love to pick at algae and tiny microflora and grow about at least 3/4 to about an inch—females are bigger.
Average purchase size is 1/2 inch or so.
Dwarf Shrimp are best for peaceful community tanks with lots of tiny hiding spaces. You'll notice they will be a lot more active and display brighter coloring when they feel safe. Heavily plant your aquarium for best breeding!
- Shrimp are not great with nippy or carnivorous fish such as Angelfish, Cichlids, Loaches.
- Otocinclus, Corydoras, Plecos, Tetras, Guppies, smaller Rasboras, and Celestial Danios are all great tank mates!
- Females will be slightly larger than males, and will display stronger coloring.
- These will come in a mix of sizes, coloration, and sex ratios are not guaranteed. You WILL, however, receive both sexes!
- Ten+ indicates that you will receive an extra just in case of any accidents during shipment. Only ten are covered by the Live Arrival Guarantee.
Neocaridina are among the hardiest Dwarf shrimp species; nevertheless, you should take great care to cycle your tank well, and avoid ammonia and nitrate/nitrite spikes. Heavily planting your tank will help with this!
Our shrimp are used to hard Kansas water, and kept in Walstad tanks at room temperatures.
Neocaridina Shimp Parameters are as follows:
- Ph: 6.5-8.0 (Ours: 6.8-7.8)
- Kh: 2 to 10 (Ours: 3-5)
- Gh: 7 to 15 (Ours: 7-8)
- TDS: 180 to 400 (Ours: 200-350)
- Temp: 65F to 80F (Ours: 68-74)
- Tank Size: Minimum 1 Gallon per 5 Shrimp