"Seller shipped so fast!!! My item was packed so well there was no way it could be damaged. It is better than I was expecting. I ordered it for my shrimp to hide in, and they will have so much more space than I thought."
Two of my very favorite things: beautiful and useful!
Cholla is the leftover dried skeletons of a certain type of cactus plant. These logs are added to aquariums to create natural food, shelter, and water conditioning to freshwater aquariums.
These are a must-have for shrimp tanks, as they provide shelter for breeding, edible bio-films, and wonderful tannins in the water as they break down. They are also useful as a Ph buffer in quantities.
As it's organic and untreated, Cholla wood will eventually break down in the aquarium. This is a completely desirable and natural process, and makes your shrimp and fish feel right at home. Depending upon the thickness, I'd say about two years is a reasonable expectation.
Cholla wood is full of air pockets, and so will float for up to two days when you first add it to an aquarium. You can mitigate this (and remove much of the tannins) by boiling it for up to 5 minutes. Let it cool, and plop it in your fish tank!
What to know:
Key breeding and feeding habitat for Dwarf Shrimp, fish fry, and snails alike!
Releases beneficial, protective tannins
Organically- grown and wholesomely harvested.
Pieces will be irregularly cut for a natural look!