Monkey Cups (Nepenthes) is a wonderful terrarium addition that has the added benefit of taking care of any stray fruit flies!
2" pots.
Easy care, and undemanding, these are best for damp, but not excessively soggy soil.
They are equally at home in a bog, Paludarium hybrid set-up!
These will need a bright window, without direct sunlight. You'll scorch the leaves in a sunbeam! Mine do very well under a covered porch in the summers here in Kansas.
They need humidity, so if your home is lower than 60%, keep them in a glass cloche or covered terrarium to maintain moisture!
As in the sample photos above, there will be some variation in size and branching. It's just the nature of the beast. The ones I send to you WILL be healthy, happy, growing merrily, and be ready to go!