Guppies (Poecilia reticulata) are popular in freshwater aquariums worldwide, being members of the Poeciliidae family and live-bearing. Originating in northeast South America, they have been introduced around the globe. |
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These Young Adult Males are a riot of color! Take a pack home for iridescent, fluttery action, with none of the nipping behaviors, nor baby fry of a Trio pack.
All male and fully colored, each fraternity will be unique, no two males the same!
Sorry, cannot guarantee specific colors or breeds. Photos are representative of quality and varieties in parents and siblings.
Remember, if your temperatures are below 40 Degrees Fahrenheit, you must purchase a Heat Pack for the Live Arrival Guarantee to apply! One needed per order; find it here: LIVE ANIMAL HEAT PACK
I personally feed these everything from the OmegaOne flake and pellet line, to both frozen and live fish foods, to blanched veggies. Guppies are generally not picky eaters and will accept a wide range of meaty, quality food.
Guppies are easy to please. They live in a wide range of freshwater tanks and would prefer community, planted tanks. Guppies should not be kept with nippy fish that might pick on their long, flowing tails.
Recommended Water Parameters: