Offering a few ROOTED stems from my personal houseplant collection. These are rooted and ready to go! Just stick them in the back of your hang-on-back filter and let them drape over the side.
You also have the option for a 3" potted version of this plant. The potted versions are houseplants, and should not be submerged whole into an aquarium. Try rinsing and separating the roots from the potting soil, should you like to go this route!
Not only are these gorgeous, but they offer excellent nitrogen pickup in your aquarium. You'll see hobbyists add these to provide yet another biological filter mechanism to keep their tanks balanced and sparking. I grow mine immersed in community tanks, with minimal fertilizer and average light/ room temperatures.
I have these in a dozen-plus personal tanks, some with filters, some without, and my fish, shrimp and fry looove to hang about in the little mangrove forests that grow. They provide so much forage and shelter for the little guys. I sometimes add differing textures and types in the back of my filter for a beautiful cascading riot of growth. Really helps soften the edges of power cords and other fish tank equipment too!
As in the sample photos above, there will be some variation in size and branching. It's just the nature of the beast. The ones I send to you WILL be rooted and ready to go!
I do have harmless, non- aggressive snails in my tanks. If you'd absolutely rather not have snail hitchhikers, definitely look up how to do a bleach dip.
These are harvested and packed right before shipment. You'll receive yours burrito- wrapped and heat sealed in a plastic baggie. This is industry standard practice to get these to you in a quality manner!