This is the famously weird plant that looks like it is made of old fashioned lace. broad long leaves grow with holes all over in an imperfect grid pattern. Super cool talking point plant!
Aponogetons are larger growing aquatic bulbs that Bettas just love!
Aponogeton madagascariensis adds great contrasting texture with long 'holey', strap- shaped leaves. While suitable for larger tanks (20 Tall would be excellent!), I have kept these in smaller tanks by removing older, larger leaves as new ones grow each week.
This variety grows the kind of leaves that many fish appreciate for the shade and resting areas it provides.
These are the best cichlid plants!
They won't need anything special in terms of lighting, filtration, but they will benefit from a nutrient dense soil. Supplement with root tabs for the best result!
Aponogeton bulbs should only be buried about halfway, as any more than that could cause rot. They produce fuzzy white flower stalks that sprout up beyond the water's surface!
This type of Apono will drop all it's leaves during shipping, wasting both your time and its energy. Just drop your Apono in and observe it for a week or two. If you don't see new growth sprouting, drop me a message!
One ~1" bulb. We try to send it sprouting so it's not a dud!
Growing requirements:
- 65-80 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Ph 6-8
- Low to Medium light intensity.
- Heavy root feeder
- Medium growth speed
- LARGE long leaves 30" +
As I like to keep real ecosystems in my aquariums, there's always the possibility of harmless snail or dwarf shrimp hitchhikers!