A plant that is uncommon in the hobby is Lagenandra meeboldii , which belongs to the same family as Bucephalandra or Anubias. It may be grown both emersed and submerged, and it requires little maintenance.
Because of its bigger reddish-brown oval leaves, it closely resembles to Homalomena and Cryptocoryne Wendtii in appearance.
This plant responds to aquarium conditions with rapid growth and proliferation of leaves, resulting in an attractive deep wine coloration. Once growth takes off, these leaves become larger and form atop long stalks. To propagate, cut along the rhizome.
One rhizome portion is between 3-6" tall with multiple leaves, as pictured.
Growing requirements:
- 65-80 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Ph 6-7.5
- Low to medium light intensity.
- Moderate growth
- Co2 not necessary.
As I enjoy keeping natural, balanced ecosystems in my tanks, hitchhikers are always a possibility!