Extra special mix of SIX different types of floating plants.
You'll get a mix of Salvinia Minima, Duckweed, Frogbit, Water Lettuce, Giant Purple Duckweed, and Red Rooted Floaters.
Half a cup will cover a five gallon tank completely!
This is a random scoop I harvest right before shipping, so exact quantities of each can't be guaranteed. I will ensure you get some of each type, however. This is a great way to get lots of variety without laying down too much cash.
These are grown with minimal fertilizer and average light/ room temperatures. They grow in my unheated, unfiltered Walstad tanks as well, so you know they are hardy! Do note, however, that you can expect stronger growth and brighter colors when they live under better light.
For reference, I have Nicrew SkyLEDs on ten gallon tanks. Temps fluctuate between 65F in the winter to 80F in the summer. I grow these in my personal happy community tanks with colorful guppies, snails, shrimp, and of course, lots of plants! If you'd absolutely rather not have snail hitchhikers, It would be best to look up how to do a preventative bleach dip on the interwebs :)