Looking to add some mystery variety to your high- tech setup? Need some taller background plants with color?
Grab a 6 pack of our grower's choice bunches!
This one is for HIGH LIGHT setups. You should have a great co2 schedule running, along with high lights and fertilizer. These plants are more needy, and so you should have a little bit of experience.
You'll receive a random mix from these awesome options:
- Ludwigia repens Dark Red (Ludwigia repens)
- Ludwigia Repens Mini (Ludwigia repens)
- Hygrophilla Pinnatifida (Hygrophilla Pinnatifida)
- Golden Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea')
- Bronze Cabomba (Cabomba Pulcherrima)
- Red Myrio (Myriophyllum Brasillensis)
- Rotala (rotala Macrandra, Vietnam, or red, Walichii)
- Scarlet temple (Alternanthera Reineckii)
- Golden Nesaea (Nesaea Pedicellata)
- Staurogyne Repens (Staurogyne Repens)
- Amania Gracilis (Amania Gracilis)
These are harvested and packed right before shipment.
You'll receive yours burrito- wrapped and heat sealed in a plastic baggie. This is industry standard practice to get these to you in a quality manner.
I'm very careful, and I use methods that have consistently gotten the best results over years.
Lot of love going into this hobby. Please don't leave them exposed in a mailbox🙏
I ship USPS first class Mondays and Fridays to try to ensure USPS doesn’t let this sit waiting for delivery on a Sunday.)
As I like to keep real ecosystems in my aquariums, there's always the possibility of harmless snail or dwarf shrimp hitchhikers!