Aquarium salt is essential for treating shrimp parasites, such as vorticella and scutariella japonica, commonly found in imported shrimp. It's a must-have tool for all aquarium keepers, especially those with shrimp. There are two effective methods for using aquarium salt to treat shrimp parasites.
Method 1 to Treat Parasites:
- 1 tbsp per 1 cup of water
- Place shrimp in solution for 2-3 minutes
- Repeat every other day for total of 3 dips
- Will kill all vorticella and scutariella japonica
Method 2 to Treat Parasites:
NOTE: Before using method, note that salt is harmful to plants and is best used in a hospital tank.
- 1 tbsp per 5 gallons of water
- Used to prevent parasite spread
- Increase dosage as needed up to 1 tbsp per gallon
- Water changed each week of 20%