It's that time of year again, folks! Add one Heat Pack per order to ensure your new friend's comfort during shipping. Heat packs aren't required but are highly recommended. Orders without them won't be covered by our Live Arrival Guarantee if your local weather is below 40°F. |
Betta splendens, commonly referred to as the Siamese fighting fish or betta, is a freshwater species native to Southeast Asia that is widely kept in aquariums. Its diverse, vivid colors and relatively low maintenance requirements make it a popular choice among aquarists. |
These lovely ladies are looking for a larger planted tank to call home.
While female Bettas are much less aggressive than their male counterparts, there are still some territorial issues. Please observe your betta ladies carefully!
Mitigate this by giving them lots of space, some live plants to create their own territories, and some kind of small, peaceful 'dither' fish to calm everyone down. A little school of dull colored tetras works great!
Like the males, female Betta care is straightforward. These fish thrive in a heated, filtered aquarium with plenty of space to swim and explore. Add a nice gentle sponge filter to oxygenate the water without being too rough on their flowy fins.
Bettas are omnivores and enjoy a varied diet of high-quality pellets, frozen or live foods. You can get them to do tricks and eat out of your hand. I'm not kidding.
Care Parameters:
- Ideal Temps: 75-80f
- PH: 6.5-7.5
- GH: 70- 300 ppm
- Temperament: Semi-aggressive (each female should haver her own territory in a larger tank)
- Due to their Marble genes, Bettas change colors through out their life!
- These are young females, about 1.5 inches long, and not fully grown.
These are not your sad little pet shop Bettas stuck in a cup of stagnant water. Mine are kept in their own space with shelter, leaf litter for tannins, and live plants. They are fed Baby brine shrimp, tubifex worms, frozen foods, flakes and pellets to get them used to a variety.
Sororities should have at least 3 gallons per fish.
EG; If you get a 3 pack sorority, please have at least a ten gallon tank or so!
Breeder's choice of colors, message me for requests, but please know I won't always be able to accommodate!