Water Onion bulbs (Zephyranthes candid) are unique additions to your aquascape, especially if you plan to have an open-top tank! These easy little bulbs will reward you with a beautiful little flower stalk once they've gotten established.
These truly resemble little underwater onion plants, and will slowly grow out into a clump of little bulbs. Most attractive when a few are planted together, and for vertical interest!
While not actually a true aquatic plant, Dwarf Water Onions are easily adaptable and long-lived. They require very little in the way of tech; perhaps stronger lighting and decently nutritious substrate.
Do note: When you are planting them, bury no more than a quarter inch of the bulb into your substrate. If you try to bury more, it will rot, and you will be sad.
Comes in a pack of three!
Growing requirements:
- 65-80 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Ph 6-8
- Medium to high light intensity.
- Medium growth speed