What a cool plant!
I'd highly recommend you try this bulb-- at least once!
Stunning, bright foliage just keeps putting out growth-- and it's so easy! No special lighting or co2 needed.
It does need a nutrient rick soil to grow in. Supplement with root tabs for the best result!
'Nymphaea stellata' does get tall, and will grow right up at the surface, blocking light for its neighbors. Give it a light pruning so it doesn't starve out it's tankmates. Alternatively, shy, flitting little fish just love the cover it provides.
As I like to keep real ecosystems in my aquariums, there's always the possibility of harmless snail or dwarf shrimp hitchhikers!
One ~1" bulb. We try to send it sprouting so it's not a dud!
Growing requirements:
- 65-80 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Ph 6-8
- Low to Medium light intensity.
- Slow growth speed
As I like to keep real ecosystems in my aquariums, there's always the possibility of harmless snail or dwarf shrimp hitchhikers!
Cassandra's Notes:
I ship these to you in their dormant phase; just a loose bulb. This is in order to keep the plant from expending its energy on new growth that would immediately melt off in its new environment. To break dormancy, simply place your bulb on the substrate wherever you'd like it to grow. (I'd suggest off near the background)
If you try to bury this bulb, it will quickly rot-- leading to heartbreak. Wherever you place this little plant, it will grow multiple roots that will anchor it into your tank, no worries.
It should also start growing whitish 'fuzz' on the surface. These are harmless fungus and biofilms that are an integral part of a healthy aquarium. Your shrimp and fish (especially things like Otocinclus) will come running for that stuff!