" I can really tell how much care went into these plants. they arrived safely with almost no damaged limbs and little to no melt. the buy 2 get one free deal gave me 3 big healthy bunches that quickly filled up the spot in my large aquarium, as well as one of my smaller aquariums. i wish i had more aquariums to fill with these lovely plants!" -Eel |
Hardy, quick growing and unique, Brazilian Pennywort doesn't even need to be planted!
Requires average light and water parameters, keeping towards the mid-range.
Hydrocotyle Leucocephala is a sturdy plant from South America. Trim often, as it quickly runs and can take over a tank! Replant trims at the node (where little roots are growing), and you'll have a fuller, bushier looking plant.
Also suitable to grow right out of your tank and drape along the side. The leaf structure changes a bit from immersed to submerged grown, but not by much.
I personally grow these both ways, so your bunches may have harvested stems that have both emergent and submerged leaves, and will be rooted too!
A bunch is 4-6 collected stems, and branches/ rooting may vary. (4- 10" long stems)
Growing requirements:
- 65-80 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Ph 6-8
- Lower to medium light intensity.
- Grows quickly
- Gets more compact in high lights and co2
As I like to keep real ecosystems in my aquariums, there's always the possibility of harmless snail or dwarf shrimp hitchhikers!