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Bucephalandra 3" Steel Mat-Aquatic Plants-Glass Grown Aquatics-Glass Grown Aquatics-Aquarium live fish plants, decor
Bucephalandra 3" Steel Mat-Aquatic Plants-Glass Grown Aquatics-Glass Grown Aquatics-Aquarium live fish plants, decor

Bucephalandra 3" Steel Mat

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Bucephalandra SP Green is an ideal selection for Bucephandras aficionados. Its leaves are small, round, and of a vibrant green color, much like an Anubias species.

This specimen is densely tied with tons of green rhizomes, and weighed with a stainless steel mat.

Beginners may find this aquatic plant especially appealing as it requires little care and is robust. Bucephalandra SP Green may be used as a foreground choice in planted tanks and is usually attached to fixtures such as stones and driftwood.

Care for Bucephalandra SP Green is the about the same as for Anubias, Cryptocoryne, and Java Ferns.

This species of Bucephalandra can be propagated by dividing its rhizome and securely attached to rocks or driftwood with superglue gel or string.

Growing requirements:

  • 65-80 Degrees Fahrenheit
  • Ph 6-7.5
  • Low to medium light intensity.
  • Slow growth
  • Co2 not necessary but recommended.

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