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Blue Mystery Snail-Live Animals-Glass Grown-Single Snail-Glass Grown Aquatics-Aquarium live fish plants, decor

Blue Mystery Snail

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Introducing our Blue Mystery Snails – the coolest addition to your aquarium crew! These little aquatic buddies bring a splash of serene blue to your tank, making every underwater adventure a soothing experience. With their mysterious gliding and gentle nature, these snails are like the chill guardians of your aquatic oasis.

Easily confused with the Illegal 'Apple snails' due to their shape, these little guys are a completely different species (Pomacea bridgesii)!

These Blue Mystery snails get larger (between 2- 3 inches), and are voracious algae and detritus eaters. They'll even attack hair algae!

So attractive and striking in the planted tank, these are completely peaceful little creatures, and will quickly clean up any waste left over by other inhabitants. They are shrimp safe.

Curiously, Mystery snails regularly make trips outside the water, using a 'Siphon' of sorts. Be sure to keep your water line a few inches from the edge of your tank to allow them to roam!

Looking for a different color? Visit our collection of Mystery Snails! 
Mystery Snails

Cassandra's notes:

These little guys play such an important role in a balanced aquarium! They are nature's recyclers, and work tirelessly to scrub detritus, algae and fish poo from your tank.

Peaceful and easy- going, you may see them resting on green foliage in order to scrub away any algae or biofilms on the surface. 

These guys are undemanding, but would prefer a planted, community tank within normal parameters. They do like a bit of cuttlebone here and there to keep their shells hard and clear. Grab some of that here: Cuttlebone by Weight Keep your PH above 7, or their shells could begin to erode!

These snails may reproduce in a freshwater aquarium if you keep more than one together. They'll climb up above the surface of your water (keep a good lid), and lay a clutch of pearly eggs. Simply remove if you do not want more snails around.

If you do not see any visible algae anywhere in your aquarium, it would be pertinent to place a blanched piece of vegetable on the substrate every few days. Be sure to remove within the day, as you won't want to foul up your water! They will also happily accept little algae wafers (the kind advertised for bottom feeders such as Plecos)

Under 40F where you are? Don’t forget your HEAT PACK!

Think you know all there is to know about Mystery snails? Read Vincent’s Article: Mystery Snail Magic: Your Complete Aquarium Care Guide

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Ryan W.
All Old Males :(

Beware of ordering during summer months. These guys came in just an insulated sleeve, wrapped in a papertowel. I am always home, so they don't spend any time outside, yet one of the six I ordered was DOA. The only DOA livestock I've ever had.

Of the remaining five, all were very large (nearly the size of a golf ball). After no eggs for a month, I sexed them. Go figure, all are male. I'd chalk it up to bad luck, but I also ordered six golden mystery snails with literally the exact same experience. 1 DOA and 5 males. I feel like I was given all the used up old grandpas lol. Your experience may bet better than mine though.

amanda andrew
So full of life!

I received my blue mystery snail and he was the size of a pea, after a month he grew to be the size of a quarter! So cool to watch

Mark Gunselman
Great snails.

Ordered 3 snails and they all arrived health and alive. Happy they were still small because I order snails for another seller and they were large full grown snails. The snails I got were lively and would order from again.


One of the snails died the 2nd day I had it.


Snails arrived alive and were getting to work not long after putting them in the tank :^)