Barclaya Longifolia Bulb is an interesting and unique aquatic plant with long red leaves. When paired with green stem and carpet plants, it can create a striking, eye-catching display. With abundant light, CO2, and fertilizers, the leaves can take on a rich maroon hue. While it can tolerate lower light levels, the leaves may appear dull and turn bronze in color.
Barclaya Longifolia bulb size varies between 0.25-1 inch, but proper planting will allow foliage growth to 8-12 inches.
Growing requirements:
- 65-80 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Ph 6-7.5
- Moderate to High light intensity.
- Growth: Medium
- Co2 not necessary, but recommended for best color.
Propagation: Cut side shoots
As I like to keep real ecosystems in my aquariums, there's always the possibility of harmless snail or dwarf shrimp hitchhikers!