Looking for lower- light plants for an Axolotl tank?
Here are four of the easiest, best growing plants we have. Perfect for low to medium light tanks, Walstads, and other low-tech aquariums!
They can easily tolerate a bit of Axo chewing, digging, and yanking.
You'll receive one of each:
-Guppy Grass (4-6 stem handfull, 6-10" tall )
-Golf ball Christmas moss
-3x Jungle Valisneria plants (6-10" tall)
-3-6" Broadleaf Bolbitis plant
These low- maintenance plants were selected for their hardiness, and low light needs. They will still need SOME light. 4-6 hours should do it!
Don't miss this extraordinary deal!
I do have snails in tanks; I keep Colorful Ramshorns, Bronze Bladder and Pond snails, Mini Rams, and Malaysian Trumpets. None of these snails grow large, eat plants or are otherwise harmful in any way. If you'd absolutely rather not have these beneficial snail hitchhikers, definitely look up how to do a bleach or hydrogen peroxide dip.
Are you perhaps looking for a starter pack that includes floaters? Perhaps one with the most colorful species we grow?
I ship wrapped and sealed in plastic baggies to retain humidity. This is industry standard and is the best way to maintain quality on the way to you.
New! Fertilizer tab and Filter Plant combos!
You also have the option of adding ten root tabs and bonus filter plants to your order at a cheaper rate than the separate listing!
Root fertilizer tabs work great for your heavy root feeders like most stem types, swords etc. They need to be buried, but are completely shrimp and fish safe. I personally make and use these, and they will include instructions for use.
Filter plants are not fully submersible plants, but rather rooted sprigs of houseplants that hang around in your hang-on-back filter or just inside the rim of your tank. They look so great cascading down the side of your tank and stand, and are phenomenal at sucking up nitrates! They do not need dedicated light, but rather do just fine in ambient household lighting.
If you select that option, I'll send you ONE rooted sprig as in the photos above, your choice of species: Golden,, Neon, or Marble Queen Pothos, Green or Brazilian Philodendron, Zebrina Inch Plant (Purple), Variegated Spider Plant, Yellow English Ivy. White Butterfly Syngonium.
As I like to keep real ecosystems in my aquariums, there's always the possibility of harmless snail or dwarf shrimp hitchhikers!