We are delighted to offer an assorted Bucephalandra tub! Each tub is a flat 12 x 7" and contains a selection of small to medium Bucephalandra specimens.
One mixed tub contains the equivalent of 18-20 2" clumps.
This mixed tub is ideal for populating the foreground of an aquarium, as well as terrariums and paludariums.
A single order comprises at least 8 different species with assorted mini clumps and sizes.
As they settle into your tank, new leaf growth may reveal striking hues of red, blue, and purple. Bucephalandra included in the assorted basket cannot be customized.
Assorted Bucephalandra is only accessible during rare periods of time, and our inventory is limited.
Grab em before they're gone!
Growth is slow, with new foliage appearing on its extended rhizome. As it is an epiphyte, do not bury the plant's roots and rhizome in your substrate, as it will rot. Instead, attach to hardscape material or aquarium decor using super glue or thread!
Growing requirements:
- 65-80 Degrees Fahrenheit
- Ph 6-8
- Low to medium light intensity.
- Slow growth
- Co2 not needed.
As I enjoy keeping natural, balanced ecosystems in my tanks, hitchhikers are always a possibility!
Wondering what the hype is all about? Check out our Buce Care blog post!