This group of SIX baby Blue Moscows are Fry, and are unsexed.
These are Juveniles between 6-12 weeks old at the moment, and will be ready to breed and show full coloring within a month or three, depending on your food and tank conditions.
The Blue Moscow Guppy (Poecilia reticulata var. “Blue Moscow”) is a particularly eye-catching and popular guppy type.The adult blue females show wonderful graduated smoky blue- grey coloring on tails and bodies, and the males have striking iridescent blue- green coloring throughout their entire bodies. Both sexes have fluttery delicate draping dorsal fins. It's honestly tough to get an accurate picture of these stunning creatures.
I personally feed them everything from the OmegaOne flake and pellet line, to both frozen and live fish foods, to blanched veggies. Guppies are generally not picky eaters and will accept a wide range of meaty, quality food.
Guppies are easy to please. They live in a wide range of freshwater tanks and would prefer community, planted tanks. Guppies should not be kept with nippy fish that might pick on their long, flowing tails.
Recommended Water Parameters:
• Black Moscow Guppy