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Fish to Avoid in the Nano Tank

Are you thinking about setting up a Nano community tank?

Before you start adding fish to your tank, it's important to know which species are suitable for your setup.

Some fish are not recommended for nano tanks due to their size, behavior, or specific environmental requirements.

In this article, we will discuss the fish species that you should avoid adding to your nano tank. 

We will cover the reasons why these fish are not suitable for small aquariums, the potential risks they pose to other tank inhabitants, and the alternative species that you can consider for your nano tank.

So, let's dive in and explore the fish to avoid in the nano tank.


  • Large fish

    When it comes to stocking a nano tank, it's important to remember that the size of the tank will limit the size of the fish you can keep.

    Large fish, for obvious reasons, are not suitable for nano tanks as they require more swimming space and produce more waste than smaller fish. Some examples of large fish to avoid in a nano tank include angelfish, discus, and cichlids.

    Angelfish, for example, can grow up to 6 inches in length and require a minimum tank size of 30 gallons. They can also be supremely nippy to tankmates and each other.

    Similarly, Discus can reach up to 8 inches in length and require a minimum tank size of 50 gallons.

    Many Cichlids, (depending on the species), can grow up to 12 inches in length and require a minimum tank size of 75 gallons.

    Keeping these fish in a nano tank would not only be stressful for them, but also lead to poor water quality and potential health issues.

    Do your research to figure out the final adult size of any fish you are planning to add!

    Instead, consider smaller fish such as tetras, rasboras, or guppies, which are better suited to the limited space of a nano tank. 
    Plus… they all generally play well together, and require about the same habitats!


  • Aggressive Fish

    Aggressive fish can quickly become a nuisance in a Nano tank.

    Bettas, for example, are known for their territorial behavior and can become aggressive towards other fish in the tank. They may even attack and kill smaller animals, such as brightly colored shrimp or snails.

    While bettas are popular due to their vibrant colors and unique personalities, they may not be the best choice for a community Nano tank setup. 

    If you'd like to go for a Betta, it's probably best they are kept by themselves. 
    Other aggressive fish to avoid in a Nano community tank include most species of cichlids, such as the convict cichlid, which can also be territorial and aggressive towards other fish.

    Always take the time to research the behavior and compatibility of any fish before adding them to a Nano tank to ensure they will coexist peacefully with other tank mates.

    Choosing peaceful and compatible fish will result in a more harmonious and enjoyable Nano tank experience!


  • Super Specialized Fish

    When it comes to stocking a nano community tank, it's important to avoid specialized fish that require specific water conditions or have unique dietary needs.

    These types of fish are often difficult to care for and may not thrive in a small community tank environment.
    An example of a specialized fish that should be avoided in a nano tank is the Discus

    As mentioned previously, Discus fish require a large tank with plenty of swimming space and pristine water conditions- not to mention, water far warmer than most other fish (Or even plants) can handle.

    They are also sensitive to very minor changes in water chemistry and can be difficult to care for, making them unsuitable for a community nano tank.

    Another specialized fish to avoid in a nano tank is the Angelfish.
    These fish are known for their striking appearance and graceful swimming, but they require a large tank to accommodate their size and swimming habits. 

    Angel fish are also highly sensitive to changes in water chemistry and require a well-established tank with very stable water parameters.

    Keeping Angelfish in a nano tank can lead to stunted growth and health issues, making them completely unsuitable for this type of setup.

    Lastly, Pea Puffers are adorable, but keep in mind that you should NOT try to keep them with dwarf shrimp or snails (!).
    You will lose those tiny creatures, and be sad.

    While there are countless options available, some species are simply not suited for small environments.
    By avoiding certain fish, you can ensure that your tank remains healthy and your fish thrive. 

    Remember to research each species thoroughly and consult with an expert if you are unsure. With the right choices, you can create a beautiful and thriving Nano tank that will bring you joy for years to come!

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